The Second Child

I’m sure you’ve heard that saying about how you worry less about your second child because you’ve been through it all before.

The problem is I was never super worried with the first child.

Today Ivy, Clara and I made a big leaf pile at my parents house for the two girls to jump in.

As we were playing I thought Clara had a stick.

It was not a stick.

It was a dead shrew.

She was about to put it in her mouth.

Not completely lacking in the worry/grossed out department I leaped the leaf pile and took it away.

Ivy of course was fascinated by the small dead thing and wanted to know what it was and speculate on what killed it. (Yes, I realize that this is kind of strange but at least she’s got the idea of what dead means, and how food chains work.)

As Ivy and I were checking it out I noticed both it’s front legs were missing and it looked very, fresh…

As I threw it into the woods I decided that it couldn’t have been my second daughter, the girl who eats everything, who ate the legs.



Then we went back to jumping in leaves.

It’s possible a bit more worry in my life might have been a good thing.

5 comments on “The Second Child

  1. Jessica says:

    And I thought you only had to be worried about boys!!

  2. […] Clara used to put everything in her mouth, and I mean everything, if you don’t believe me read this: The Second Child […]

  3. […] poor planning) and we discovered that most of the “WHAT IF?”s are actually not so bad. I’m pretty sure my kid ate part of a dead shrew once… she was fine. Another of my girls wore the same dress for a week, child protective services did not take her […]

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