The Queen

She’s two, that littlest girl of mine.Jane by pond

Two, an age with a name all it’s own, and it’s not a good one.

It should have been no surprise to me.

It should have been no surprise when as I was tucking each girl in last night, giving and receiving hugs and kisses, that when it was her turn she held out her hand.

She held out her hand at arms length, palm down, fingers aimed toward the floor.

She held out her hand to be kissed as though she were the tyrant queen of the household.

Two, an age where you can be the tyrant queen and your subjects still will adoringly kiss your hand before bed.Jane "Onward!"

Yes, she’s two, that littlest girl of mine.

14 comments on “The Queen

  1. Yanic A. says:

    So many memories come flooding back… This embodies “TWO”…

  2. Eli Pacheco says:

    2 is awesome. What I love is that some of that sass and royalty you see at 2 sticks around at 4, 6 and 10. Who am I kidding? My 16-year-old still has some of it.

    *-Glad i found you through the Manic Mondays linkup.

  3. I love the image of the tyrant queen of the household holding out her ring to be kissed. Wonderful!

    • Jessie says:

      I’m not sure whether to find her a ring to complete the image or keep it away so the rest of us have hope of getting out from under her rule! 🙂

  4. Imelda says:

    just think, one day those hands will have a dose of reality once she starts handling the chicken. 🙂 Foe now, enjoy her being queen.

  5. I’ve got a two year old that also thinks he’s running the show over here. Some days, it is so endearing and cute, other days it makes me an insane person! Thanks for linking up!

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