Use What Talent You Possess…


Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.

~Author unknown, quoted in The Ladies Repository: A Monthly Periodical, Devoted to Literature, Arts, and Religion, September 1874, commonly miss-attributed to Henry Van Dyke and Henry David Thoreau

Sky Blue Daze suggested I participate in the 3 Day Quote challenge. I thought it sounded good, but then I found out, there were rules.

  • Post on 3 consecutive days
  • Post one to three quotes per day
  • Challenge three different bloggers each day


I’m not so good with arbitrary rules, but I’m pretty good at making up new ones!

So, instead of nominating three new bloggers to participate every day I’m instead going to introduce you to one a day. Partially because I’m contrary like that but mostly because I sincerely hope that you will all follow my link and find a new fantastic blogger on the other end. And, if said fantastic blogger wants to share some quotes in the next few days that’s just a bonus.

Today’s blogger needs no incentive to share quotes, Diane always has just the perfect one, or two, or three in her posts. The quotes always accompany beautiful photos in her online journal, which she calls simple but is always a beautiful, calming, breath of sea air.  Head on over to visit and hear about how she was finally able to fulfill a life long dream and started taking piano lessons once she retired. Check out her latest knitting projectfavorite book of the moment and look at a few dozen beautiful photographs.

Diane’s a fabulous hostess and she wouldn’t want you sneaking in and out the back door without being able to exchange a kind word before you leave.  So be sure you leave a comment so she knows who’s been traipsing through her garden!

6 comments on “Use What Talent You Possess…

  1. junekearns says:

    Wonderful, Jessie.

    • Jessie says:

      Thanks June. I’m not super musical- at all. But I’ve been trying to play the piano again after a oh… 20 year hiatus and doing a bit of singing (in public *gasp*) and I thought this quote was just about perfect. 🙂

  2. says:

    Oh Jessie, thank you so very much for this lovely compliment of a blog post. And that you’ve taken such care to select specific posts of mine. I’m speechless. Thank you.
    I am so very delighted you took the advice of this excellent quote and are using your talent of playing piano once again. You did very well and I admire you’ve shared it with us all.
    Most of my adult life I have incorrectly thought that quote was by Henry Van Dyke. Thank you for the clarification.
    Again, how very kind of you to share my blog with others.

  3. Susan says:

    I came over from Diane’s blog which I enjoy immensley. I love your quote, post and twist on the rules.

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