The Dark Side of the Bright Side

I went to a book festival this weekend.

As an author. (Insert wide eyed, panicked emoji of choice here.)

I know, I know, I’ve had a book published for a few months now but I still had a hard time stopping myself from saying I was headed out to “pretend to be a real author.” (Don’t worry, all my friends and family have firmly scolded me for that phrase – you don’t need to too.)

Anyways, I went to a book festival as an author for the first time this weekend. I met some really interesting people. I met some really kind people. I listened to some excellent authors talk about bookish things.

It was in general pretty fabulous.

It was also exhausting.

I am not known for my small talk/meeting new people skills. I can do it but it takes a lot of courage. And book marketing… let’s not even dive in to the uncomfortableness that is hawking your book, your baby, that you worked for years on, to complete strangers who ask you questions like “Oh? Did you write this?” Its hard in a weird emotional way. But for every odd comment, “oh… how… whimsical…” there was a wonderful one. “So this is really an art book!!!” And those that passed by without interest were balanced out by those who took them time to talk.

At the last presentation I attended a man used the phrase “The dark side of the bright side.” It wasn’t used in relation to book marketing. But I’m adopting it for that purpose. There is so much wonderfulness surrounding “What if Butterflies Loved Snow?” right now. It’s in stores- like real life, actual, walk down your street and open the door stores- that’s amazing! People are asking me to do library programs and school visits- that’s terrifying and also super duper awesome. My story is getting into the hands of children just like I one day hoped and that still gives me chills. But the work to get it there- the cold calling on stores, the preparing for library programs, the follow up calls and pushing my product at people who haven’t even asked about it. That’s the dark side of the bright side.

Oh but that bright side is shiny, and the dark isn’t so dark the more I do it.  So if you need a guest post on your blog, want to interview me about my book, have a store I should contact, an idea I should track down, let me know.

I’m working through the dark side and when it gets to be too much, I remember, that even at it’s darkest, I’m still on the bright side.

18 comments on “The Dark Side of the Bright Side

  1. rarasaur says:

    I love that expression, makes total sense. And YAY you went to a fair and did the author thing! *high five*

    • Jessie says:

      I love the expression too, I think it’s perfect for many things. Like my uncle said when he heard it. It applies anytime you see someone doing something well or having accomplished something great, there is always a dark side.

  2. jenanita01 says:

    We would love to feature your book on our blog, Jessie. Email your book details to: Please include how ‘Butterflies’ came into being, I have always wondered where the idea came from originally…

  3. Georgia Rose says:

    I’m trying to finish a book here but have made a note to ask you to come on over for a chatty ramble at some point after that – I’ve love to have you on my blog, and I’m delighted you are getting yourself and your fab book out there!!

  4. Widdershins says:

    You are now officially a Book Festival Warrior! 😀

  5. Wow, this is awesome. This would be out of my comfort zone as well, so I can appreciate that it would be exhausting.

  6. Corky says:

    You sure are! And it’s a wonderful book!! ♥️♥️

  7. I think anything like this seems daunting to begin with but once you get some under your belt, it will feel like a breeze. The libraries in my opinion are the most exciting part in that you are guaranteed to get readers for your book. I donated copies to my local libraries but if you can get them to specifically order the book then you get little royalties every time the book is taken out, which all adds up over time. And you get the wonderful feeling that your book is influencing the lives of young people. You’re doing a fantastic job and I wish you much success with it all 🙂

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